
Coaching, knowledge exchange and support: the future of Matchbox

Hlompho Mokoena

Seven years of Matchbox partnerships have given us many insights on what kinds of organisations we can best partner with, and how. We have rooted our approach to organisational support in the pursuit for justice, equality and equity. Our new strategy re-affirms this commitment and provides the foundation upon which we can further elaborate what our in-depth support will look like in the coming years.


Leadership changes at The Engine Room

The Engine Room Board
Julia Keseru

Our ED, Julia Keseru, will be leaving The Engine Room at the end of this year. Read her letter, as well as a letter from our board.

Learnings & Reflections

Conserving resources in civic tech

Julia Keseru

A few months ago, I shared my thoughts on why I believe there is enormous potential in introducing more principled waste management techniques in the civic tech sector. I received valuable feedback on the piece and some clarifying questions, a few of which I thought would be worth sharing and answering. 

Event, New Project, News

[CLOSED] Applications are open! Learn how to bring a responsible data approach to your work with our cohort-learning programme

Joshua Sehoole
Paola Mosso

The amount of data available about almost anything is growing, but if it’s not collected, processed and used in thoughtful and critical ways, the data increases risk of harm – especially to marginalised communities. Today we are launching a pilot of our new cohort learning programme: a collaborative course aimed to equip social justice leaders […]


Where we’re headed – proudly presenting The Engine Room’s new strategy!

Julia Keseru

This is the first in a series of posts exploring our mission, vision, principles and priorities for the coming years. To read about the ways we’re trying to get where we’re going–how we’re implementing our new strategy–take a look at this post from Zara, our Deputy Director. A lot has happened since 2017, when we […]