Meet us in Chile for a discussion about emerging technologies and cyberfeminisms

Denisse Albornoz

Leer en español

In November, Denisse, Nathaly, Bárbara, and Paola will be in Santiago, Chile, participating in LACIGF and facilitating a space for inspiration and co-creation around the tensions and challenges that cyberfeminism faces with the rise of emerging technologies.

Internet Governance Forum

From November 7, we’ll be at the Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF). The event will address challenges related to emerging technologies, human rights, gender, diversity, sustainability, among others. At The Engine Room, we approach this space with curiosity and the desire to continue connecting with ideas that help us keep reimagining a digital space that is fairer, more inclusive, and rooted in trust, hope, and joy.

The team wil be exploring new ideas and questions:

  • Nathaly would like to hear more about how we are developing strategies and questions that allow us to envision internet governance that incorporates a healthier relationship to, and care for, the environment and for other species.
  • Paola is interested in exploring and proposing ways to reimagine the design and use of technologies from the South to achieve equitable and sustainable societies, and reflecting on where there are opportunities for collaboration across the Global Majority.  
  • Bárbara is especially interested in conversations around the intersection of gender and diversity and excited to connect with other individuals and organizations in the region who are considering internet governance from a feminist perspective.
  • Denisse has been reflecting on how we can think about emerging technologies from a perspective of care, and is looking for cases where these have been used in this way; for example, to monitor the health of the ecosystems we inhabit or to preserve community knowledge.

We invite you to explore these and other topics with us! If there’s a space where you think we should be— whether as speakers or participants — please don’t hesitate to reach out at

Join us to reflect and create Zines for a Cyberfeminist Pluriverse

After LACIGF, we invite you to join us to continue the conversation around emerging technologies, this time from a cyberfeminist perspective.

On November 9, we’ll be on the Patio of Mezcla Cafetería from 11am to 2pm to share a morning of inspiration and collective creation around how we can continue building a feminist internet in the face of the challenges posed by new technologies and the surveillance, extraction, and control they make possible.

We will reflect and share prompts on three themes:

  1. “Emerging” Technologies: Reflections on new technologies that challenge, surprise, or excite us, as well as on what technologies might “emerge” or be possible from a cyberfeminist standpoint.
  2. Bodies and Territories: Reflections on the material dimension of the internet and how we feel the impacts of new technologies on our bodies and territories.
  3. Knowledge and Practice: Reflections on other ways of developing and coexisting with digital technologies and the different forms of know-how that should be central to the worlds we seek to build. 

With the reminder that “other worlds are possible” and in collaboration with the collective Hambre Hambre Hambre, we will design and co-create zines to record our questions, everyday resistances, and the futures we imagine from our diverse ways of being, inhabiting, and resisting in the world.

If you would like to share a provocation in this space or simply participate in the reflection and zine creation, you can find more details and sign up in our registration form.

We’ll see you in Santiago!