Join our community call: digital rights & climate justice

Becky Kazansky

Update: registrations for this event are now closed.

In July, we published our report exploring the intersections of digital rights, tech, and climate justice. It’s been wonderful to hear from readers on what findings from our research you’ve found useful for your own work. 

We’d like to keep the exchange going with an interactive discussion sharing our main findings and collaboratively plotting a course for further future work in this urgent area, so we’re hosting a community call October 18, at 5-6pm CET. Whether you’re working primarily in the climate justice space or the digital rights space, or are just interested in the topic, we’d love to see you there! 

What will we discuss?

In our research, we focused on a number of intersections of digital rights and climate justice, and identified priority areas for further digital rights engagement and collaboration. In the call, we want to hone in on two 2 specific issue areas with you:

  1. Climate intelligence: From long-standing environmental data initiatives to newer ‘AI for climate’ and ‘AI for planet’ efforts, governments, corporations and communities seek to harness digital data to monitor biodiversity and forecast future climate events with greater accuracy. How do you think the digital rights community can best support existing community-driven efforts and deepen its engagement on AI and sustainability issues? How might responsible data principles contribute to data governance discussions in this space?
  2. Decarbonizing tech: In recent years, a number of tech companies have pledged carbon neutrality and greater sustainability. Yet, meaningfully measuring and mitigating the climate and environmental impacts of tech remains a challenge. What do you think are the main priorities for digital rights community engagement to ensure tech sustainability efforts are supporting climate justice? 

The call will happen on October 18, at 5-6pm CET and it will be held in English. 

Update: registrations for this event are now closed.

Explore our research findings:

Before joining the call, make sure you take a look at our research findings!

If you’re working on issues related to the intersection of climate justice and digital rights, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at hello[at]theengineroom[dot]org.